Setting a new standard
If there's one thing that technology has done good in our age, it has connected us in massive scale and made information readily available at our fingertips. I've figured that we are probably at the crossroad where we can start seeing a great shifts in all sorts of things because of this, including raising awareness and recovery rate of focal dystonia among musicians.
Yes, you heard me right, the recovery rate.
Something makes me feel certain that we will be seeing the same kind of phenomenon like Roger Bannister's four minute mile. It was once thought that running a mile in less than 4 minutes was unachievable. Once Roger Bannister set the record in 1954 to run a mile in less than 4 minutes, many more runners started achieving the results from shortly after, and today it is set as a standard milestone for a professional male runner.
Likewise, I am hopeful and certain that, when enough musician's focal dystonia success stories are out there, we can collectively induce a norm into our psyche. It is a very personal place for everybody affected, but this is precisely why this is important to share for the growth of our collective consciousness. Schuumann would have been so jealous of our time. What was once thought un-achievable will quite possibly be the norm in the future.
I will be reaching out to all of you who have success stories.
I am super excited about this new adventure and at the same time very curious how things will unfold. I am so thankful for anybody who might be able to participate in this project.
Photo credit : NYtimes