Thanks for asking

Since I have been sharing my ideas and making myself more available to others, I have felt blessed to have received incredible amount of feedback from so many people from different walks of life. I think it is all worth what I do if I can make even slightest difference in one person's life and I am halfway convinced that my presence is making some difference. On the other hand, I increasingly receive questions and comments that challenge me. But nevertheless I love to embrace these questions and feedback because it pushes me to be clearer with my communications and revisit reasons as to why I am making myself available. Here are some Q & A s that are worth mentioning.
Q: Why can’t you just tell us the secret to retraining?
A: If you think that I am holding some kind of ‘secret’ from you, believe it or not, I am not holding anything back. I am telling you all the ‘secrets’ that I think you need to know to overcoming focal dystonia in all of my blogs and videos and I will continue to do it in more details. I will also try to be a better communicator. However, it might take some consideration to apply them to your case especially if the ideas don’t seem to make any sense to you at the moment. Please contact me if you would like my insight to your specific case. I’ll be more than happy to talk.
Q: Why are you charging fee for your services? If what you say is true and you found a way that works for you, you should make yourself available for free or for fraction of what you charge.
A: I am making myself available by offering a lot of free content which requires a lot of time, effort and risk. I also spend countless hours talking, exchanging messages and emails and videos with people online for ‘free’. If you feel that you should have personal one on one free service from me, please ask. As to why I am charing fee for service, I charge because this is what I do professionally.
Q: How you think you’re qualified to cure focal dystonia? This is a medical condition and only doctors are qualified to advice on a medical condition.
A: I’m not qualified to cure focal dystonia. I am not qualified to comment on a medical condition from a medical prospective because I’m not a doctor. But I’m a pianist with in depth knowledge on how to train and retrain fine motor movements in musicians of all ages and walks of life through education. Certainly, curing is not the word that I want to use either, since that implies that we go back to where we originally started from, which is not where we want to take ourselves at all. Instead, I think we can even thrive from this experience and become a better performers than we used to be from going through the trainings.
Q: You are putting too much attention to focal dystonia. You are telling us that we should focus and sense dystonic movement… Why should we focus on focal dystonia? It is my experience that the more we focus on it, the more it becomes us.
A: Do not fear. Focusing on the symptom is not the same as focusing on the negative outcomes that the symptoms brings to you. My message is to have great awareness of your own problem. When we can face and embrace the problem, we can find exact solutions to them.
Q: What you are suggesting in this blog (or video) is not correct because I have tried other XYZ methods that seemed to suggest the opposite and have made significant improvement.
A: Great! Please continue doing your XYZ.